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This blog is my life, my memories, my story that last forever and always...

Monday, June 27, 2011

Extreme Makeover Home Edition

                                           Dad working on installing their stove!
                                           The appliances in the rental home

                                           All the workers outside the home
                                           Working on landscaping

Me and my dad waiting around to install the appliances this was at 11pm we got there at 1:30 pm and we didn't end up leaving till 4! it was a long night!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Mili!!

My niece turned 2 on June 13th 2011! We had a fun little purple party for her on 20th of June! it was so much fun! she is such a cute little girl i just love her so much! we had such a great time! i got to make the cup cakes for the party which was fun! id do anything for my nieces that i love so much. It was funny when Mili was opening her presents he older sister Brighton was right by her watching everything she opened she even tried to help. when Mili was all done Brighton asked her "Mili will you share?" it was really cute! those two girl are just the best nieces and they just love each other so much i couldn't ask for better! My sister had our two sets of grand parents her friends from the ward and our family. my dad go a present at the party which was tickle me Elmo gloves that he chased Mili and Brighton around with it was really cute!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Bye Elder Timothy Reynolds!

My best friend Tim Reynolds has left on a mission to Nebraska Omaha mission. We have been such great friends since we were sophomores in high school. We have had our fights and our disagreements but in the end he is always there for me being my big brother. he is the one i call on about boy problems and anything else i need to advice on. I am going to miss him sooooo much! For Tim's farewell me and my friend McKenzie made him a going away cake for his farewell! it was so sweet! i cant wait till i get a letter from him hearing all about his mission! I have had some great times with Tim Reynolds!